Saturday, 29 December 2018

Summer Sheep work.

During the summer we have to take advantage of any cool days, even damp ones, to bring the sheep in to check them out. As usual there were two small late lambs that needed vaccinating and tagging. Some of the older lambs had lost their tags so new tags were attached. A couple of older ewes had the same problem. These were a little tricky trying to guess their ages for tag colours. We're not good at checking sheep teeth to determine their age! We removed the ram and some really old ewes so we can feed them extra rations. Luckily Missy was visiting so we removed her ram lamb from her, we need to deal with him! It stayed cloudy which made the job more pleasant.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Night time passion.

We'd just gone to bed when there were screams, squeals and grunts coming from close by. We knew they were from Koalas. I've heard the joke about Echidna's, 'how do they mate, carefully' but Koalas don't seem to like getting together by the noise they make. It continued on and off all night. In the morning we found one of the Koalas resting in a gum. It stayed all day, ate a bit and slept a lot!
A few weeks before Sue had heard lots of grunting down near our garage. On that occasion it was a male and female kangaroo, she said they could have found a more private location to do it. So it's been busy out in the country.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Even Emu's get hot!

Errol having a nice drink of water. Even Emu's find two days of around 39 degrees hard, particularly the first hot days of summer.