Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Amazing what a trickle of water can do!

It's been a few days but wow look how the dam's water level looks like! Long may it continue.

Friday, 12 July 2019

At last!

We've been hoping and had our fingers crossed that this would happen, particularly when the long term forecast has constantly stated there would be below average rain, but at last the creek has  started to flow! Well it's more a trickle, but the last two days of showery weather has been enough for it to start. Amazingly the dam has risen by a foot with only a trickle! If this continues the dam should fill which will be relief to us.


Thursday, 4 July 2019

The equines were on their best behaviour!

The farrier visited this morning and for once the horse behaved himself! Maybe the hay helped? So their hooves are all tidy and cleared of muck.